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Two New Search Filters: Search by Age Ranges & Gaming Consoles

#Responsive #GamerDatingApp

Our users hath suggested, and we hath followed through yet again. Not even a month ago we rolled out another user suggested feature – the ability to filter your matches by those with user photos – and we’re already knocking out more.  This latest one though is something we’re really excited about, and we think you will be too!

While the age range filter addition is nothing revolutionary, it does fulfill a need that many folks have asked us for, and we were more than happy to get it done.  So now, on top of being able to search for fellow geeks and gamers via geo-location and those with user photos, premium LFG’ers can now filter their matches even further by those with an even more specific range of ages than their original match preferences.

Two New LFGdating Search Filters!

And now for the filter that we’re really excited about: the gaming console search filter. While current matches already incorporate how well you match with others based on your console preferences (among every other trait), now our users who are simply looking for someone to game with can get straight to the point.  Most folks subscribe to find that special someone in their search for love, but lots of other folks have made happy LFG connections simply finding others to game with, and letting the relationship naturally go from there.  So whether you’re a Sony Stalwart or an Xbox One fanatic, now LFG is that much easier to find that other gamer to co-cop with.  Where it goes from there is just icing on the cake.

If you haven’t raised your LFG flag yet, what are you waiting for?  Stay tuned for more updates, and welcome to LFG!