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The LFGdating iOS App Is Coming

LFGdating's iOS App Is Coming

When we began with our web beta back in 2012 and 2013, the thought of gamer dating or a dating site for gamers was largely met with laughter and quick dismissals: after all, this was an online dating niche that contained some gamer dating sites that were more a joke than anything else.  But then LFGdating changed everything, and since then gamer dating has gone from an afterthought to a mainstay, a niche to a mass market enigma, with a community growing so rapidly that it has been a blast trying to stay out in front of.  Which is why today we are proud to start the unveiling process behind LFGdating’s upcoming iOS app which will be launching in just a few short months.

No, that’s not our whiteboard, but you had better believe Casey and I have been white boarding this new app like it’s our job – because it is.  Much like the LFGdating web application, the LFGdating iOS app will be clean, extremely easy to use, and it will turn heads for all the right reasons.  All of LFGdating’s popular features and functionalities will be included as well, from stealth mode which allows you to view other profiles anonymously to our favorites system which allows for one-touch access back to that user’s profile who you recently connected with. And in terms of the user experience, we’re not going to force you to have to guess which gesture moves you to which menu: the LFGdating iOS app will be simple, but elegant, and much like it’s web app variant will have one goal in mind: to help our users find love.

On the technical side, our API build out is just about complete, and the app structure has already been stood up using Swift 3 (and possibly launching with Swift 4), Alamofire, and some other stellar but stable libraries that will really make the LFGdating iOS app shine.  But what we’re really excited about as we approach launch is the testing phase: with Apple comes a neat app called TestFlight, and with TestFlight comes upwards of 10,000 beat testing invites that can be sent out.  While Casey and I have yet to finalize the testing plan, who better to test our iOS app than our existing community?  After all, it’s been you – the LFGdating user – that has largely built and perfected the LFGdating web experience; the majority of our features, functionality, and UX/UI have originated from user suggestions, so we think inviting our existing members to test the app is a no-brainer.  Because honestly, this is what we want to avoid come app launch:

On a side note, if you haven’t watched HBO’s Silicon Valley then you need to – immediately.  As we get closer to the LFGdating iOS app launch, stay tuned to our Gamer Dating Blog for more updates, screenshots, and beta testing information!  Of course we’ll also be doing reveals internally as well – in fact, our email newsletters to our members will be where the first and best reveals will go down, so if you haven’t created a profile yet click here to register!