LFGdating is the #1 League of Legends Dating site, period.
With thousands of leaguers already in the ranks, have you raised your LFG flag yet?

League of Legends Personals at LFGdating!
Welcome to LFGdating! If you haven't stopped by our official "Why LFG?" page, then let me address the five hundred pound gorilla in the room named awkward: we know you're skeptical. LFGdating is here to end the skepticism, and add a healthy and long overdue dose of reality, security, and legitimacy to the gamer dating, and more specifically League of Legend personals world. LoL players and singles now have a stereotypical-free venue to meet, chat, and get to know other League players without the stigma, without the spam, and without the awkwardness!
While we literally have thousands of LoL singles already in the LFG ranks, we also are home to every other MOBA's and MMORPG that's popular on the market today; you name the game, and I bet you we've got singles that have play it. While MBOA's and MMO's are a natural social setting for online dating, at LFG we put gaming on the backburner (we all play) so you can focus on what's most important: finding love. While our motto is "for the love of the gamer", it could have just as easily been "dating first, gaming second".
So what are you waiting for? Sign up today!